After weeks of waiting on pictures to complete the friend profile, Michael Miller showed up on my doorstep last night with a handful of pics and a couple of memory cards. We found several pics to show off his family and I had to pick a final few for the final piece. I also took an opportunity to show off my putrid photoshop skills. Enjoy!!!!!! Spilla's body is really not much different than that of the model I superimposed his head onto.
Michael Miller has been a friend of mine for many years. I didn't go to elementary school with him, but I met him at Muhlenberg North High and we've been friends ever since. He also lived down the road from me. When he got his driver's license he used to have to take me to school. It was an obligation that I'm sure he truly enjoyed. We also worked at Save A Lot together for a long time. The Save A Lot gang was classic. Doss, Spilla, JV, Bunch, Luckett, Nakia, Casey, Jon Nelson, Hallroad Travis, Beau Bivin, and that guy that murdered Harrison Ford's wife in The Fugitive. I think his name was Donnie. I almost forgot Dan the man, and Cherie. Good times. Spilla is probably most famous for his time at Haggin Hall at UK. I think he went to at least 4 classes during his short time there. One thing is for sure, he always PULLED for the YANKEES during his time in Lexington. Famous words associated with the name Spilla: Lumina, Cowboy, Jellybean, Belly, Robert, Vivian, Fatty don't touch Bridgette, Shaker, Homecoming King, Fitting, and Employee #8. He is the only guy I've ever known to put his car on cruise on the Pennyrile Parkway and jump into the backseat and announce to everyone else in the car that they should consider driving. Truly one of a kind. Mike Spilla.
Michael Miller is married to Nikki (McRoy) Miller and they have a son, Colby. I hope I spelled the kid's name correctly. Michael works at Precision Strip and lives up the road from me on Cherry Street in Central City. Nikki and Mike are part of the reason I even live on Cherry Street. They hooked me up with my wife. You've heard that story before.
Something I made up about Spilla: He once donated 1000 cowboy hats and 800 jars of jellybeans to the Boys and Girls Club of Muhlenberg County. He was named Philanthropist of the year for the MNHS class of 1993 for the 6th consecutive time in 2006. Confusing stuff.