Accent Vlog

Have you seen the Accent Vlog that's going around in the blog world?  

I saw it on Jenna's blog, and basically it gives you the opportunity to hear other bloggers' accent.  
It's been so fun to hear everyone, so go to her blog to check them out.

Later she came back and had her husband do one, so I thought it would be fun for Kris and I to do one together.  

Here is what you do, say:
Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting Image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught

And answer these questions:
  • What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?

  • What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?

  • What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?

  • What do you call gym shoes?

  • What do you say to address a group of people?

  • What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?

  • What do you call your grandparents?

  • What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?

  • What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?

  • What is the thing you change the TV channel with?

    So here we are (eeek!)    :)
    Untitled from Kimberley Key on Vimeo.

    Very Heavy Heart

    My sister Beth has a good friend, Kari, who is in her playgroup.  I've had the privilege of meeting her a few times and she's as sweet as can be. She met us at the movies a couple of weeks back when we went to see The Help - August 16th.

    She has three boys - Gavin 5, Talbey 3 and Graham 4months.
    Last Thursday, the 25th, Talbey was rushed to Arkansas Childrens' Hospital where he remains today fighting for his life.  

    They had a hard time determining what was wrong with him and finally discovered it was Septic Shock.
    He is now in a medically-induced coma.  The latest and biggest threat is circulation to his extremities.  His sweet little legs and toes are not receiving enough blood flow necessary and were wrapped by the Burn Unit to assist with circulation and help with infection.  Can you imagine?

    My heart is hurting because I know Kari and I have boys.  They are living in a hotel room and fortunately have family helping with the other 2 sons, but since she is still nursing Graham, she is going back and forth a lot.  I know she is exhausted.  

    There is a facebook page that a family member has created to post all the details.  God is answering prayers and precious Talbey is making progress, but its baby steps, and they are not out of the woods yet.  

    I'm asking anyone who reads this, to please stop what you're doing and bow you head and pray.  
    I know I'm not very specific in this post with all the details involved and I apologize, I just ask that you join me in praying that his little body be healed!  Amen and amen!  

    Please also lift up Kari and Doug, they are tired... they are hurting.  They are holding tight onto their faith and giving God all the glory for all the small, but mighty improvements.

    I took these pictures off the facebook page, just look at this sweet face.

    Thank you joining me in prayer.


    Last night, I was lucky enough to attend a much needed Girls' Night Out!

    Anita and Mandisa were here at a local church and I went with Melody & Dallas,

    And my sissy

    I was familiar with Anita's work, but she was much funnier than I expected.  I laughed A LOT!!
    And Mandisa was wonderful!  That girl has some pipes!!!  

    I had so much fun and I was definitely BLESSSED!!!

    So glad I was able to experience this and with such great ladies!!

    Reasons to smile!

    I am very happy with Jacob's new preschool.
    I adore his teacher, she is a sweet older lady.  

    He is bringing home papers like this.  Oh it makes me smile! :)

    He's really good about writing his name.  Oh this makes me smile! :)
    The letter C is probably one of the easiest letter to write, yet I have to smile because he writes it backwards. :)  

    Even though I'm smiling, I get a little teary eyed, because it just means he's growing up.  
    I am forever grateful to the inventor of the video camera because that is the only way I can remember him as a baby.  Those days seem so long ago.  

    Thank you Jacob for always making me smile.  Even when you dress yourself :)

    Me and my little men

    This is another purchase from the consignment sale.
    Jacob loves Cars!!  
    It's a tad short, it won't be his Halloween costume, but I figured he could play in it around the house.
    Why is it so hard to get a 'normal' smile?  Silly boy!

    Here's a better one!  Even though my hair is doing something funky.

    Squeezin' my little love!!

    Levi and I have a play date this morning with his girlfriend Anna.  So fun!!
    Have a great day!

    What I'm Loving Wednesday

    *I'm loving that the Pioneer Woman has her own show coming to the Food Network!!!!
    Set your DVR for this Saturday, the 27th!!

    *I'm loving (actually excited) that we enrolled Jacob into a swim class at the fitness center, AND Levi and myself are taking a Baby & Me swim class too!!

    *I'm loving that I'm participating in the Rhea Lana consignment sell this week!
    Fingers crossed for great sales!!!

    *I'm loving that we have made 2 sells off Craigslist these last 2 weeks.
    Thank you Lord for sending us a buyer each time!!

    *I'm loving the movie The Help!!   Saw it last week, it's definitely a must see!!

    *I'm loving these veggie chips!  And so much better for you!

    *I'm loving that Jacob asked us to play Duck, Duck, Goose with him.
    Kris and I just laughed!!  Jacob too!!  I'm sure that was a sight! :)

    *I'm loving our canvas!!

    *I'm loving that I'm down 8 lbs and Kris is down 9.5 lbs!
    We are on our way to being the new, leaner Mr. & Mrs. Key :)

    Happy Wednesday!

    What tha?



    I went back to Rhea Lana!
    I'm pretty sure I spent my profit, and then some!  HA!  

    It's all good though :)

    The first time I went I didn't get Levi one thing.
    Is that bad?  Well I don't think so considering the child does not need any clothes.

    But the 2nd trip, I figured I would see if I could find some Christmas pajamas in his size.
    I'm a sucker for holiday pajamas!  

    I not only found Christmas pajamas, I found the exact same pair I bought Jacob yesterday!
    What are the odds?  They are both in excellent condition too!
    (The shirt says, "Dear Santa, Define Good")  :)

    Now I've never dressed the boys ALIKE, this is as close as it'll get (maybe).
    I'm not against it, well to a certain age, just not something I do.  

    Every year since Jacob's first Christmas, I have sent out our Christmas card with Jacob (and now Levi) in front of our Christmas tree wearing Christmas pajamas.  So I was excited to find the same pair to keep the tradition rollin'. 

    p.s.  I bought 4 pairs of Christmas pajamas for Levi :)

    Playing in the Park

    We went to the park this weekend and enjoyed some (somewhat) cooler weather.

    Levi wasn't so sure about walking on turf

    Big brother entertaining little brother

    Daddy had fun too!

    Love his little flyaways!  I can't bring myself to cut his hair even though he has a rat tail in the back :)

    See?  :)

    Jacob didn't have his first haircut until a few days shy of his 2nd birthday.
    Pretty sure Levi will not last till then.  :)


    This was my first year to participate in the Rhea Lana Children's Consignment Event.
    There is a lot of prep (wash/iron/hang/tag), but I figured I had nothing else to do, plus I'd make a little extra cash.  

    The sale opened today to the public, but yesterday I attended a pre-sale for consignors.  
    I thought I would just go 'see what they got'.   :)

    I came away with all of this!
    {2 coats, 3 pairs of practically new pajamas, 4 pairs of jeans, 7 shirts, 3 Razorback sweatshirts and one Polo sweater}

    I was so happy to stumble upon this for only $5!!!!
    {it's much darker than what the picture shows}

    And I'm sure you're saying I turned around and spent all my profit.  HA!  :)
    I have this whole week to make money, so I won't know what I net out with until the end of the week, but I know I would've spent way much more had I bought these in the store.  

    I can check my sales online and I've already made $67.  So here's to more sales this week!!! :)

    Silly Boys

    Jacob started his new Preschool this week.  
    Here he is on his first day.  Can't wait to see the difference on his last day.
    He's holding his lunchbox behind his back.  I asked him to show it to me, this is what I got.  :)

    At church last Sunday, Jacob got this whistle and Levi thinks it's a passy :)

    He also found Jacob's pumpkin and has been carrying it around the house.
    I hope he does this well at Halloween.  :)

    He was on a mission!

    Love them to pieces!

    More Family Photos

    Back in this post, I gave a little tease on the family photos we had made.
    Well the rest are in... would you like to take a look?  :)

    One of my absolute FAVES!  Look at those hazel eyes!!

    Happy little fella!

    Brotherly Love

    I know I'm his momma, but how handsome is he?  
    I can see it now...  the phone ringing in about 10yrs and a sweet girl's voice on the other end asking, "is Jacob there?"  :)  

    I can just hear another little girl saying...
    "Oh mom, there's this really cute boy in my class named Levi"  

    I LOVE the light in this one!!!

    Levi would not stand, so he's sitting in all his pictures.  Daddy was making him laugh here.

    I got a 20x30 canvas of this one.
    When the hubs hangs it, I'll take a pic.

    Working the camera

    Melt my heart!!

    If you're in the NWA area, I recommend Bethany at A Southern Eye
    She was great to work with!

    Being a mom...

    ... I 

    * have known what it means to love so much it hurts
    *have prayed harder than ever before
    *have said things like, 'because I said so' and 'pull up your underwear'

    *have learned that being a stay-at-home mom means it's OK to stay home
    *have caught vomit in my hand
    *have learned to pick my battles
    *love the smell of baby feet
    *can survive on a few hours of sleep
    *can change a diaper in the dark (half asleep too)
    *have a really high-pitched voice on video
    *catch myself staring at my boys
    *understand the value of my mom's love for me
    *can eat standing over the kitchen sink
    *don't judge other moms
    *have a living will
    *have WebMD as a favorite site  
    *cry at the drop of a hat
    *love being Jacob and Levi's momma
    *need to step out behind the camera{more}

    I thank God for giving me not one, but two precious little men.
    How lucky am I!!  

    Let brotherly love continue
    Hebrews 13:1