Recent Phone Pics

At Sam's Club.
Both boys pretty much sat like this the entire time.

On our way to Kansas City, the infamous asleep-in-the-car-seat picture.

At The Cheesecake Factory patiently waiting for our table.
Kate is holding her Princess Tiana doll and purse!

Jacob getting his birthday sundae

Sweet Luke was tuckered out after the show, fell asleep at The California Pizza Kitchen.  

Meanwhile, Kate lovin' her new sunglasses from Meme, but technically I bought :)

On our way home from KC  :)
He looks so grown up in this picture.

At his 9mos wellness visit
Little guy weighs 20lbs!

The boys

THANK YOU so much for praying for Levi!  
He has an ear infection in both ears, and on top of this, getting more teeth!
So you can imagine all the snot (sorry, no better word) we've been wiping away.  :)
He is feeling so much better since the meds have kicked in.  

(these pictures were from last week)

Levi in this position totally changes his looks, I think.

I found him this way waking up for the day.  Envision a big smile behind that bar. :)

My sweet Jacob made me a flower at school.

This little stinker can still melt my heart.

Hope I always have momma's boys :)

and I have come out from under a rock and created a twitter account.
I have heard so much about it, but never figured it was for me.
I've had a facebook account for over 2yrs, but never jumped on the twitter bandwagon.
My ID is KimberleyKey, so original I know.
I've found a couple of ya, so you'll see me as a new follower ;)
I'd love to follow more if you tweet!   Let me know.  :)

Thoughtful Gift from PA!

My mom's sister, my Aunt Carolene, who lives in Punxsutawney, sent Jacob a birthday card.  
So thoughtful!

Thank you Aunt C!  Can't wait for Meme to take me to Old McDonald's!!  :)

Someone doesn't feel well

This little guy could sure use your prayers.

We are heading to the doctor here shortly.
He did manage to give me a little smile.  Bless his heart.  

Weekend Recap

What a busy weekend!  I am worn out!
Friday we traveled to KC to see Toy Story 3 on Ice with the Pittmans and the Winberrys.
I wish I could say Jacob was the best little boy ever, but I would be lying.
I think it was because he had never stayed in a hotel before, being with his friends, and just being out of his element that made him a little terror bounce off the walls.  

We ate at The Cheesecake Factory Friday night, and you would be proud of me for ordering a salad and no cheesecake.  My salad was only 590 calories.  :)  Kris did good too.  Saturday after the show we had lunch at The California Pizza Kitchen.  We got a Canadian Bacon with Pineapple on whole wheat crust.  When we got home we weighed ourselves, and I am down 5 lbs and Kris is down 6 lbs.  Woo hoo!!

Saturday we headed to to the show and it was freezing it KC.  It actually snowed on us.  
We got inside the doors and they were checking bags/purses, and I had my good camera with me.
They told me I couldn't bring it in because it had a detachable lens.  What the what?!?!?  
I asked, "so I have to take this back to the car?"  He said yep.
GRRRRR....  luckily or maybe not, my b-i-l John had his pocket knife on him, so he was going back to the car himself.  Oh, and my trusty little camera for my purse... dead battery.
Kris took a few with his cell phone.

Here is the best one of the show.
That's Woody in the middle holding Jessie.

Today was Jacob's actual party.

He kept eyeballing his cake!

He wanted to grab those cars so bad!
{I made the cake stand with scrapbook paper resembling the checkered flag, and then used it throughout the table}

My first time to use this and it leaked!

We played pin the tail on the donkey

We had a bean bag toss that the adults liked :)

Is it time for cake yet??

Look at his big 'ol cheek trying to blow out the candles :)

I did it!!

Now can I have it, Mommy?

I thought this picture was funny.  It's like he's telling Caleb, "no no."  :)

He got a lot of nice gifts.  Thank you everyone for thinking of him!

Meme with her first and last (maybe?) grandchild :)

Kris doing one of his daddy duties 

Jacob pulling Luke

I found these cute balloons at Party City

A special thank you to Meme and Papaw for watching Levi while we went to KC.  
And thank you to everyone for celebrating with us!!

Happy 4th Birthday Jacob!!!!!

Jacob, you are FOUR years old today!  How can that be?  

Funny how I can remember every.single.detail from the very first sign of labor (OUCH!) until they put you in my arms.  I'm teary-eyed just thinking about it.
You have grown to be such a handsome, smart, funny boy and so I thought I would capture 25 things (since you were born on the 25th) that we love about you!

1.  you are such a loving big brother, always wanting to give Levi a kiss
2.  your little giggle
3.  your amazing memory
4.  your ability to count to 100 with minimal help 
5.  your love of books
6.  your unexpected hugs and kisses
7.  your thoughtful gestures.  always asking if you can help (i.e.  laundry, dishes, cooking)
8.  you have the longest eye lashes ever
9.  your contagious smile
10.  you adore meme and papaw
11.  you still ask us to kiss your boo boos
12.  the enormous greeting you give us when we pick you up from school
13.  when you ask us to tell you a story every single night before bed
14.  your love for your cousins Kate and Luke (and Aunt B and Uncle John)
15.  you still let me grease you up with Baby Magic after a bath
16.  when you refer to McDonald's as Old McDonald
17.  when you tell me you want to sit in my lap.  so sweet!
18.  your excitement over the littlest things
19.  when you tell Levi "it will be alright" when he's crying.  I've even heard you tell him "Jacob's here"
20.  your curiosity.  always asking questions
21.  when you sometimes refer to me and your daddy as Papa Bear and Momma Bear.  so funny!
22.  when you ask "want to play with me?"  or "want to read books?".  I'd love to!  Such a special time.
23.  your sweet voice when you sing
24.  you're so polite.  always saying please, thank you, bless you
25.  your big heart!

Because of you, FOUR years ago today, a family was made.  We love you so much Jacob, it hurts!

This morning you had a donut, candles and balloon waiting for you.

I think you were a little surprised.  

Ready to dive in!

Today we are heading to Kansas City to see Toy Story 3 on Ice tomorrow, followed by a birthday party on Sunday.
Going to be a fun birthday weekend!!

I cannot believe it!

1st Ballcap

At our last house, we had the sweetest older couple as neighbors.  
They did not have any grandchildren and after we had Jacob, they were always so nice to inquire about him.
One day they gave us the cutest gift; a baby John Deere ballcap.

When Kris dressed Levi today, I remembered the hat.
This is the only picture I got without him trying to take it off.  He needed a distraction.

Here is Jacob wearing it in 2007.  Sweet chubby legs!

Speaking of Jacob...  he wanted a hat too, so he grabbed Kris'
I really need to find him his own.  He looks so big!
Actually, this picture doesn't even look like him.  I asked him to cheese.

Almost time for another haircut :)


Levi you are 9mos old today!
I am lovin' this age.  You are the happiest baby!!  Even the teachers at daycare say so!  They tell me you hardly cry, which makes me feel better. 

Here is what you're up to these days:
*wear size 3 diaper
*wear 9mos clothing, and some 12mos shirts
*will find out how much you weigh and how tall you are next week at your well check visit
*still loving all baby food
*had your first sip of juice from a sippy cup.  couldn't get enough!
*started clapping your hands!  so stinkin' cute!!  your left hand claps your right, wonder if you'll be left handed?
*have 4 teeth.  two on top, two on bottom
*you think it tickles when I comb your hair.  so cute!
*you are crawling everywhere!!  had to get you from behind the toilet one day.  HA!
*you are still a great sleeper 
*you have started showing a few signs of pulling yourself up
*jacob makes you laugh so much!  and your face just lights up when you see him!!
Sweet Levi, momma could eat you up!
You are so loved little man!