Calling all Prayer Warriors

I previously asked for prayer over Levi in this post.  
Tomorrow is the big day - Thursday, September 30th @ 7:30am.  
As you read this, we'll be on our way to Children's Hospital in Little Rock.
We covet your prayers over our sweet little fella.
He brings us so much joy and the thought of him having this procedure makes me sad.
But I know our Heavenly Father is watching over him and will carry him (us) through.
Levi's story has been written and I'm excited to watch him grow and become a wonderful young man.

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.  Psalm 127:3

Boys in Visor

I know I've been doing a lot of this lately, but I just can't help myself.
I like to compare the boys at roughly the same age and size.

I've always loved this picture of Jacob (on the left) and wanted to do the same with Levi.
I promise I won't do this when they're teenagers. I think... :)  

I used to think they looked so much alike.
Now, I see two different babies.

So after I took Levi's picture in the visor, Jacob wanted his.
He pulled it down around his neck, you should've seen us trying to get it off.  HA!

My Loves

Kris normally works Saturdays, but he took off this past Saturday and we watched the Razorback game.
It was a great game, but somehow we managed to lose in the end.  Ugh!
Talk about ruining your day.

Here's a funny story... after the game we went over to my parents house for dinner who were watching my niece and nephew.  I knew it would be a zoo once all the kiddos got together plus we were taking a new toy over there - Jacob's idea.  We were setting ourselves up for disaster.  Within an hour I asked Kris if he was ready.  I was done with the crying, pushing, whining, pulling, etc...    

As we were driving away I said, "ya know, they normally play well.  Not sure what that was about."
And Kris says, "well they did for 3 quarters."
I looked at him and said, "what??".
He was still thinking about the game!!!!!!!!!!

We got a good laugh.  :)

Someone found their hands!

I think it's such a sweet moment when babies find their hands.  

This was the case yesterday for Levi.

We added that little wristlet for entertainment.

And just for fun, here he is all serious during bath time
Love that little mouth and blue eyes.
I could eat him up!

Drawer Organizer

If you're like me, your utensil drawer is a mess!
I always have to fix that potato masher before I can close the drawer.
And I'm sure you're asking yourself, you mash your potatoes with that?!  :)

I came across this post and thought - we could do that!  And why didn't I think of that?!

Handyman hubs came to my rescue and inserted these dividers for me!

We bought poplar board and gorilla glue from Lowe's.
Measured, cut to size and glued into place!
Too easy!

I really like how it turned out.
However, now that I see these pictures, I think the boards need stained or painted.
Kinda sticks out like a sore thumb.
But does that really matter?  Nah....

3months... already :(

Little Levi is 3months old today.
I will probably say this even when he's 18... "I cannot believe it!"

Here is what Levi is up to these days:

*weighs 13lbs and 24" long
*wears 3-6mos clothes
*wears size 1 diapers

*we have up'd your feedings to 5oz every 4hours
*you are a wonderful sleeper - always have!  thank you!!!
*you still enjoy the swing and and play gym

*you have the best smile and the cutest laugh - we love it!!
*you're getting better at lifting your little noggin'
*you give the biggest smile when I brush your hair.  I think it tickles :)

You are the best baby!!!  We have enjoyed every single second with you and cannot imagine life without you!

Love you to the moon and back sweet baby!!

Blog Award for Moi!

I received my very first blog award!!
Hip Hip!
The lovely Tish from Peace, Love, Quack was so generous to pick my blog.
Thank you Tish!!!

The Rules:
1. Answer this question: If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?
2. The second thing you have to do is, pick 6 people and give them this award.You then have to inform the person that they have gotten this award.
3. The third and final thing is, thank the person who gave you the award.

The answer:
Oh goodness, I'm at that stage in life where I catch myself saying "if I only knew then the things I know now"...  

Yes, I know all the choices in my life have made me who I am today, however, I wished I had applied myself better in high school and then went on to major in an area in college that I know I would enjoy and excel at.  Why I didn't do that 16yrs ago is beyond me. 
Well I can say that now, back then I was too cool for school.  :)

And don't say " you can still do that Kimberley, never too late for school."  
The thought of text books, pop quizes, studying, etc... makes me want to throw up and I'm not kidding.
No way Jose!

I have my boys and they're all I need.  :)


I have come across a lot of blogs I love reading, so many that I find myself with not enough time to read every one!  I would love to give an award to them all, but since I'm limited, I'm picking:

My sister Beth at The Pittman Post.  She will love this, or not!  HA!
My friend Amy at the Robinson Family Blog.  Her kids are super cute and she's a great story teller!
A lovely bloggy lady Brittany at Treasuring the little Things.  You MUST see her boys - BEAUTIFUL!
Another lovely, Jacquie, at The Middle of Eleven.  I love her blog and her posts are great reads!  Makes my day to see she's updated her blog.  :)
One more lovely, Kimmie, at Little Carrigan.  She is so sweet and her little boy is PRECIOUS people!!!
A friend from high school who I found in blog land and lovely herself, Kelley at Day to Day.  She is super sweet and has a big heart.  Her girls are ADORABLE!  Her youngest is a couple of weeks older than Levi, so we can easily relate to one another.

Thanks again Tish for the recognition!!

Levi Laughing Video

Sweet sweet boy!
Love his little giggle!

New Boots

I bought Jacob a pair of rain boots to go with his rain coat.
He loves!  Can you feel his excitement?  :)

This was right after a bath and he wanted to wear them to bed (like the rain coat).  HA!

This angle made me giggle.  

Love you silly boy!

Future Razorbacks

The boys and I watched the Razorback game yesterday at my sister's house.
{kris works every saturday - grrrrr!}

I got them both dressed in their Razorback jersey.  
We had a mini photo shoot when we got home.

I promise this is a smile and not a growl.  :)
{look at these toes!}

Since I was taking Levi's picture in his crib to prop him up, Jacob wanted in there too!
{Levi was starting to fall.  Oops!}

Let's try laying Levi down.
And Jacob too.  :)

And for comparison...
Yes, poor Levi gets hand-me downs in both clothes and crib bedding!
That is a new crib though, Jacob's converted into a full-size bed and Levi's will do the same.

p.s.  got the video of Levi laughing.  will post soon!

Say Cheese!

Levi has the best gummy smile, however, I wasn't able to capture it completely. 
Here are some half smiles.  :)

To me, this one doesn't even look like him.
I think the flash was starting to get to him. 

I know I say this over and over, but I could squeeze him to pieces.
I have to contain myself or else I will! 

Oh, and he did his first little giggle last night.
I'll have to get that on video, hopefully.

Levi talking to Momma

Please ignore the crazy sounding woman on the video and just listen to sweet little Levi - love him to pieces!  Enjoy!  :)

A little of this and that

As promised, here are the booties!  So sweet!

I got out my (few) fall decorations over the weekend, including this smelly goodness.
Love the cute name!  Also, I came across a blog that made the cutest fall wreath, I'm thinking of giving it a try.  Of course I'll post if I do.  :)

I found this raincoat that I forgot we had, and now Jacob won't take it off.
He wanted to wear it to bed last night.  

Little brother is getting so big, makes me sad

I have the cutest video to upload.
I wish it didn't have my baby-talking voice on it, but I was trying to get Levi to talk to me.  
I'm sure you'll understand. :)

Work Luncheon

My work was so nice to throw me a welcome-back luncheon.
I thought about getting Levi out of daycare, but it was too rainy.

Here are the delicious cupcakes from Sam's Club.
Seriously, I will start using them, especially since there is one so close to my house.

I thought these balloons were so sweet

Me and my chins with my cupcake
*i got color on my hair this week and it's way tooooooooooo dark

Everyone chipped in and got me a gift certificate to a spa!!!  Can't wait!
And a couple of the ladies got me something extra.

Another homemade gift!
Look at these sweet booties!?!?!

If Levi wasn't asleep I'd put these on him and make him strike a pose.  When I do, I'll post.
Oh so cute!  

I am so grateful for my office and their generosity.

Shots anyone?

Both of the boys went for wellness checkups today, and both received shots.
Oh my, talk about a crazy chaotic scene.  

Levi did great, just a few cries but once we picked him up he stopped.
However, Jacob wailed before, during, and well after his.  

It always kills me to know that it's coming and they don't, especially now that Jacob is older and can resist.  
When we were leaving, we ran into the nurse in the hallway and Jacob said to her "I much better".   :)

Oh and here's a quick funny... when the doctor was examining Levi, Jacob said, "excuse me mr. doctor, what are you doing?"  It was hilarious!  :)

I didn't get a picture of Jacob's boo boos, but here are Levi's

As you can tell from his expression, he wasn't interested in pictures.  

This was definitely a learning experience for me.
I think next time I will schedule separate appointments.  
It was just too much to handle, for me anyway...

Where I blog

I saw on another blog about a post of where they blog. 
This lady had such a cute personal space to call her own.

Unfortunately I don't have room for that in our house, so this is my spot...
Smack dab in the living room!  And I usually have a little monkey crawling all over me.  :)
So there it is, that's how I communicate to the world via blog  :)

How about you?  Where do you blog? 

Photo Frame Wall Complete

You may remember this post about my photo frame wall.

It went from an idea on the floor, to...

a lovely completed project.

In order to get it all in a picture, I had to take it at a weird angle (this is in our hallway).
And you may notice I spray painted the K red and went with all b&w photos per your suggestion :)
Thanks for your help on that!

I love how it turned out!
Seems like we've been on a roll with home improvement projects, let's see what I can think of next. :)
I know the hubs will be uber excited.  HA!

Dining Room Project

The handyman hubs finished the dining room project.
He added a chair rail and painted the bottom half.

Here is the before

And the after

I think it needs a rug, but the room is such an odd size that most are too small or too big.  

Everything on the walls came from Hobby Lobby -  my fave!!
The chandelier always turns out gold in pictures, but it's not.

I tend to be drawn to brown tones, if you couldn't tell.  :)
I need to keep my eye open for the perfect rug, I think that will help.

Thank you Kris for completing another project for me. :)

Go Hogs Go!

Last night Kris and I went to the Razorback football game while Meme and Papa were kind enough to watch the boys.  My sister and her family let us have their tickets since they are in FL on vacation.  

We were dressed in our Razorback red, but I didn't get a picture of us.  
I did take a few at the game.

Here is a ginormous hog grill

Are you familiar with the Razorback tradition of "calling the hogs" ?  
Below is the entire cheer leading squad on top of a trailer doing just that.  
And below them is an actual razorback named Tusk which you can see a sneak peak of his feet.  

Here is my favorite part of the game - halftime!

I was a band geek, so I always enjoy this part.
Oh, and by the way, the hogs won!  

Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend.  

Sweet Sweet Gift

I love getting packages in the mail, who doesn't?  
I instantly get a smile on my face and become so excited before I even open it.  

Today was no exception!
Look at this precious HOMEMADE gift for Levi.

What a creative scrapbook!

I think my heart skipped a beat, because I couldn't believe someone would take their time to do this for us, especially when they have 2 little ones of their own.

I will treasure this always!

A HUGE THANK YOU is  not enough for Karen for being so stinkin' thoughtful.

I am extremely thankful and appreciative for such a wonderful gift.  

Stop by her blog for a good laugh.