Double Take

Recently I did a comparison of myself and Levi in this post, but I came across a similar picture of Jacob, which I hate is so grainy, and thought they resembled even more. 

Even though I'm their momma, I believe those are the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.  :)

Thanksgiving Recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
We went over to my sister's for a delicious Thanksgiving feast.
I made dressing and corn casserole, both courtesy of Paula Deen.

I thought this picture was so cute of Jacob.

Here is a better look at Levi's shirt.  So cute!

Later is was time for pajamas
{it says Baby's First Thanksgiving}

Yesterday was my big 3-5 birthday.  Sigh.
I was actually born on Thanksgiving, sorry mom.  I'm sure turkey in a hospital is not delish.
Jacob was so sweet to sing happy birthday yesterday morning.

Later we went over to my sister's to watch the Razorback game.
I requested an ice cream cake, then I later changed my mind to a cookie cake, as seen above.
We took the cookie with us, and once again had happy birthday sung to me. :)
My poor mother caught the stomach bug and wasn't able to celebrate with us.

I had a few little helpers with the candles
{Levi looks thrilled!}

Here is my dad and sister, Beth

This picture makes me laugh for a couple of reasons:
-Levi's serious look
-Jacob refusing to take his eye off Thomas the train
-My nephew Luke's smile.  He does this in every picture!

See?  :)

Today my mom arrived at my house with what else??  An ice cream cake!

My sister got me this beautiful necklace that I was too cheap to buy from a jewelry party she recently had.  :)

Kris got me a fragrance diffuser
{I never know what he's going to get me, ha!}

My mom got me a new Chi iron
 She was also kind enough to watch the boys while Kris and I went to Outback.  Thanks Mom!

I had a wonderful birthday despite the fact that I'm closer to 40 than before.
I cannot believe I'm 35.  I'm still wondering where my 20's went!
Luckily the boys keep me feeling young.  :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our little pilgrims!  :)
We have so much to be thankful for.

Everyday I thank the Lord for:
*Two beautiful, healthy boys
*Roof over my head
*Clothes on my back
*Food on my table
*Air in my lungs
*Money in the bank
*Vehicles that run
*Loving, Christian parents
*A warm bed
*Love and friendship of a sister
*Two paying jobs

I could go on and on.  I am not deserving, yet the Lord blesses me every single day.

I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with Thanksgiving.  Psalm 69:30


Little Levi, you are 5mos old today!!!
You will be celebrating your very first Thanksgiving this week.
I sure know what I'm thankful for!  :)

Here is what you're up to these days:
*You weigh 15lbs 11oz and are 27" long
*I'm starting to see the development of thunder thighs and I love it! :)
*Which is due to the 6oz bottles every 4hrs
*You wear a size 2 diaper and 6-9mos clothes
*We intend to introduce you to rice cereal very soon.
*You have graduated from the swing to the jumperoo and just love it!
*You have mastered rolling over from back to belly, but haven't quite figured out how to get back.
*You last a good amount of time on your belly and will raise your head and sometimes feet too.  Almost like you're flying.  I'm sure you're getting a great ab workout from that.  
*You are starting to stand when we hold you up.  When you realize what you're doing, you give us the biggest smile.
*Speaking of smiles, you still have the best gummy smile!!  No teeth yet, which I don't mind.  They will only change your look and I'm not ready for that!
*You are a great sleeper and we thank you!
*You love Jacob.  Your face lights up when you notice him and he makes you smile.
The Lord blessed us with a wonderful report from the doctors last week.
We are so thankful for your healthy little heart.
We are beyond blessed and love you to the moon sweet baby!!!

And for fun, here are the last 4mos comparisons:
Slow down little man, you're growing up way too fast!


Well we have replaced the baby swing with the jumperoo.
This can't be right.  Levi cannot be big enough for this!
Where is that itty bitty baby?

He is the 4th baby to get to use this.  
Here is Jacob in it, back in 2007.

They grow up so fast.
Makes me sad.

Shutterfly Holiday Cards

 I will be using Shutterfly this year for my Christmas cards.  I am so excited!  I have heard so many good things about them from fellow bloggers who had used them in the past, so I figured I can’t go wrong. 

I am following my tradition of taking pictures of Jacob and this year Levi too in Christmas pajamas in front of the Christmas tree.  The pajamas have been bought, and yes, the tree is up.  I realize it is early, but I knew I had to get pictures done and therefore, had to get the tree up.  Or at least that’s my excuse.  J  I love getting the house decorated for Christmas!  Every year I want to do more and more! 

I am so excited for Levi having his first Christmas.  And I am even more excited to add him to our Christmas card this year.  Thank you Shutterfly.  Visit their site for a large selection of cards.

There are tons of wonderful options!
Here are a few I'm loving:

How will I ever choose??  Need to get started on pictures of the boys!
Wish me luck! :)

Any resemblance?

So this is Levi at 4mos and yours truly.
Not sure of my age here, but I figured it was around the same as his.
I tried to choose a picture of him that was looking in the same direction as mine, so I thought this one was close enough.  See any resemblance?
I dunno... I do and I don't.  

God is Good!!

All the praise and glory to God!
Levi had a wonderful follow up Echo today.
The cardiologist said there is no leakage in the valve and the pressure measuring inside the valve is 14, which is practically normal, when before it was measuring 30.  
In the words of the doctor, "he is doing great!"

Backing up a bit... on Sunday we went to my parents church and had Levi dedicated.
My sister was doing double duty with both the camera and video camera, so this is the best we got :)
Another big shout out of thanks for Beth for driving down for the day just to be there for this special moment. 

Me and my little man

My loves.  Jacob looks thrilled and Levi looks a tad scared.  
{Kris had already changed clothes so he didn't make the picture.  lol}

Meme's turn

Sunday night, we went back to church and towards the end we took Levi up for prayer for today's doctor appointment.  It was such a blessing to have the outpouring of love and prayers.  I was extremely blessed!!
And obviously there is power in prayer given the news we received today. :)

Once we were back at my parents, Jacob found Meme's makeup 

Little man in Papaw's big chair

I cannot express enough thanks for praying once again with me for Levi.
It is such a comfort knowing prayers from many are going up for our little fella.  
And the fact I can ask you to join me in prayer, and you never hesitate.  
I thank you.
{thought we'd try the Woody hat on Levi.  I think he liked it.}

Another Request of Prayer

Happy Saturday!  

We are heading to my parents house since we have to take Levi back to Children's on Tuesday for a follow up Echo.  They live halfway between here and there, so it made sense for us to go down ahead of time.
Plus sweet little Levi is being dedicated at their church tomorrow!  :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Any prayers for this little fella is appreciated! :)

Making Memories

Since this blog is also my scrapbook, I want to jot down a few things I'm lovin' about being a mom:

*Feeding Levi.  I can't describe the feeling of feeding a hungry baby.  Blesses my heart to do so.
*Watching Jacob play with his toys.  He will entertain himself for hours and have conversations with himself!
*Listening to Levi breathe in my ear. 
*Jacob singing.  Melts my heart.
*Watching Levi sleep with his little mouth open.  So peaceful.
*Jacob saying please, thank you, excuse me, bless you.  So polite.
*Levi discovering new things.
*Jacob asking, "mommy, can I help you?" when he sees me doing laundry or dishes.  
*Levi's giggle.  Makes me so happy!

I love being their Momma!  I can't believe they're mine!

Here is a recent connversation with Jacob:

Me:  Tucking in Jacob for the night, bend down give kisses and say, "I love you."
Jacob:  "I love you more."
Melt this momma's heart!

Me:  What was that?
Jacob:  That's my butt, it makes noise.  

Never a dull moment with him!  :)

Wordless Wednesday

Pay it Forward!

This can definitely be done in YOUR community too!  :)
Just might make someone's day!  

Drive-Thru Difference Day
It starts with one random act of kindness, and soon it’s a movement that takes over Northwest Arkansas!  KLRC’s Drive Thru Difference Day is coming on Thursday, November 11th.

As a part of KLRC's Pay It Forward, you're invited to join the movement of Drive-Thru Difference Day!  All day we'll invade Northwest Arkansas drive-thru lanes with simple acts of generosity.

It's simple to get involved.  First, download our official Drive-Thru Difference Day Note and cut it out.  Then, on Thursday, November 11th, take a trip through the drive-thru and tell the attendant that you'd like to pay for the person behind you in line.  Ask them if they would pass the note on to them with their food order.
If you'd like, you can call us at 877-KLRC-101 to tell us about your Drive-Thru Difference Day experience!  Be sure to listen all day long to hear stories from others about how they saw random acts of kindness throughout Northwest Arkansas.
You never know how your simple gift could help someone find the greatest gift we've ever known.

Yum-O and Whatha?

Last night was a good night in the Key home for dinner and dessert.

Kris made beef stew and after 4hrs in the crock pot, it was delish!

Then I finally got around to making Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Honey Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting!  Thanks for posting Ciera!!
If you love spice cake, pumpkin, honey, cinnamon and cream cheese well then you'll love these!
I love how she substituted egg beaters for eggs and apple sauce for vegetable oil.  
So it's possible to save some calories since the frosting is loaded! :)
You must try!

While we were busy in the kitchen, Jacob found a new way to play with his trains...
In his food!!!  And on the ironing board.  Ugh!

On a separate note, I found a really long blonde hair on one of Jacob's toys.  
My first thought was, "what the heck?"

Then today Kris shows me one and says, "look what I found on Levi."  
Then tonight he found another.  It finally dawned on me what it was.

My niece Kate, aka Rapunzel, came over on Friday.  

We got a good laugh, then I vacuumed. :)

Lunch lady... I mean boys

My mom, Meme, is known for wearing a hair bonnet when cooking for others.
The thought of someone finding a hair in their food would kill her.

I cannot count the times I've seen her in the kitchen whipping up a wonderful dish wearing a bonnet.
To this day, if I take something to work or have people over to my house or take food to others, I, too, wear a bonnet.  I don't even think about it, it's just the norm.  

One day when Jacob was little and I was cooking, I thought he needed one too!  
And today was Levi's turn!

This is for you Meme!
We love you! :)

Bum bum

Jacob is going to kill me when he gets older, especially if his wife ever sees this!
But I just couldn't help it!  After a bath, he went straight to socks and boots.

I could not stop laughing!!!!

{p.s.  he always asks us to set the ironing board at his level so he can run his cars all over it}

Thanks for the laugh Jacob!  I know it won't be the last!

Lunch Date

Yesterday, Levi and I met my sister for lunch.
{taken with my phone}

Thanks for meeting us Aunt B!  
We love you!