I can't believe it's already Friday.
Now that I'm not working the weeks just FLY by. Why is that?
Jacob completed another round of VBS.
Since he's not in daycare anymore, I'm trying to keep him entertained.
This one was at a larger church, in fact, over 600 kids attended each day!
For the last month or so, Jacob has watched Kung Fu Panda about 500 times.
When I noticed this church was having a Panda themed VBS, I had to enroll him!
He has been singing the VBS theme song all week, so cute!!
Sidenote: I just have to brag on my Jacob.
This little fella is not shy. He walks in, says goodbye and never looks back.
I'm so happy that he is comfortable making himself at home and fitting right in.
This was his 2nd VBS at a church we do not attend. In fact, we're trying to find a home church and we've visited a few lately and each time, he walks into his class, and never looks back.
Thank you Jacob for not hanging onto my legs as I did my mother at your age! :)
They gave each child a bandana and he has enjoyed wearing his name badge too.
Meanwhile, Levi has come down with a nasty diaper rash.
I let him go "free" around the house and let me tell you, that little monkey had 3 accidents!
It's like we have a puppy in the house!! And one time he went #2! TMI maybe? :)
Jacob loves to wrestle with Levi. I'm always telling him he's being too rough and to leave him alone.
Levi doesn't seem to mind though, he just goes with the flow. I tell Jacob just wait until Levi gets older!
Have a great weekend! The hubs and I have a wedding to attend tomorrow night.
I'm excited about a little date night!