Movie Reviews With The CEO (part 2)

I have been lucky this week. The last few movies I've watched have all been top notch. Here are the reviews.

Is he a traitor? Who is he really working for? I am a big Don Cheadle fan and I was glad to see him finally be the star of a big movie. In this one he is a muslim who joins an extreme islamic terrorist group planning an attack on the USA. Cheadle is also undercover for the U.S. government. However, only his handler knows he exists. The FBI is hot on his trail. Has his muslim faith pushed him to the other side? Watch and find out. Pretty good, but I could definitely picture the females of the blog world hating it. You must be a person (like me) who really pays attention to movies or you will get lost easily in this one. I turned on the subtitles because I couldn't easily understand all the accents.

This is a movie about a former spy who's daughter is abducted while vacationing in Paris. He goes on a mission to find her. This is an excellent movie, especially if you're into the girls getting abducted by guys who sell the girls to the highest bidder except when their daddy is a former spy and comes and kills everybody kind of movies. This one is really good. You will have to catch it at the movies for now, or find a bootlegger. Or, you could just come by my house and I'll let you borrow mine.

Funny!!!!!! Bernie Mac's final movie. Bernie and Samuel are former famous r&b singers. They were in a group with another guy who ended up going on to even greater fame after ditching them and going solo. Well this guy dies and they are invited to sing at the funeral. They are making a cross country trip from L.A. to NYC and make some hilarious stops along the way. By the way, neither Bernie nor Samuel have sang for years, and they don't like each other. This is a very funny movie, but you have to look past about 6000 f-bombs. They love that "f" word in this movie. One guy during the movie even describes them as guys that "like to say f**k a lot".

I recommend all three, but I'll say Taken was the best.


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