Some Thoughts

Demarcus Cousins sporting a unique style after the last Cat game.
-Just got accused by a coworker of being a pedophile because I'm jamming some Taylor Swift Christmas music. When I argued that she was of age, the nurse told me I was wrong. We got online and looked it up. Miss Swift turned 20 last week. Take that!! All of that to prove it wouldn't be against the law for me to hook up with a young lady that I would never hook up with anyway. She's not very pretty. Certainly not as pretty as my lovely wife!!!!!! After being proven wrong, the nurse said, "ok, you must just be gay then". It sucks to be outnumbered here at work. I tried and tried to go online and find proof that I'm not gay, but unlike the Taylor Swift age search, I was not successful.
-The Cats are going for win #2000 tonight on ESPNU. "The Monster Mash" Jamal Mashburn will be calling the game along with Jimmy "Violent Cuts" Dykes. We are currently 7 wins ahead of North Carolina in the quest for 2000. I often wonder if we would have gotten there before them if Billy G was still in charge. It would be a lot closer. That much I know for sure.
-Has anyone else noticed that John Wall gets knocked down more than any player in the history of college basketball? We know he's not clumsy. I guess he just gets tripped a lot as he attempts to blow by people. It scares me to death. Especially after that nasty fall the other day against Austin Peay.
-Congrats to Faith and his fellow Bama fans on Mark Ingram's Heisman Trophy win. I thought before the award was given that Ingram should have won, but after seeing his acceptance speech I knew I was right. It was a great, heartfelt speech. He would never win a public speaking award, but what he said was from the heart. The half stuttering, half choking up, sped up style of the speech was what made it great for me. It was much better than some rehearsed, read most of it kind of thing you would expect to see. He also, off the top of his head, thanked pretty much anybody associated with Alabama football by name. I know I shouldn't like a Bama guy, but Ingram just seems like a "real" guy, and I respect that. head recruiting expert Jerry Meyer said last week that UK has a very legitimate shot at landing the top 3 ranked recruits in the 2011 class. Mike Gilchrist, Marquis Teague, and Quincy Miller are the 3 recruits. It has long been thought that Gilchrist would play for Calipari. He is supposedly the best player in high school basketball right now, and he's a junior. I've never watched him, but scouts expect him to have an impact on the level of Durant or Beasley. Teague is a PG who is also looking at the filthy Cards. Rick hired his high school assistant to the UL staff in an attempt to lure him. It was widely speculated that he would commit to the Cards this past summer, but Rick got busy in a Burger King bathroom* and Calipari came to UK. Now Teague wants to think about things. Miller, Michael's 3rd cousin, was in the stands on his official visit during the North Carolina/UK game and supposedly left very impressed. He was seen last week at a high school tournament wearing nothing but UK gear. It would be nice to get these guys.
-The UK women's basketball team is now 10-0 on the season. They got their 10th win against last year's NCAA runner up Louisville. They whipped the Cards 101-67. It's probably been done, but I can't remember them ever being 10-0.
-Bobby Knight took a shot at Coach Cal the other day. I'm sure you've seen this. I don't really have much to say about it. I didn't like Knight when he was coaching, although his NCAA press conferences were very entertaining. I do like Knight as an announcer on ESPN. He can really break down a game like no other. There's no doubt the man knows basketball. Finally, I don't like Knight the "Cal basher". The end.
-One thing this Bobby Knight stuff, as well as all the other criticism of Cal has done is make me happy in a way. It is my hope that with so much attention being brought to Coach Cal and his "shady" recruiting practices, he will surely walk the line now. He's gotta know that at UK the spotlight shines bright and he can't mess up. All of this attention makes me worry about the "shady" side of our coach a little bit less.
-It was good to see a Scott Bunch tribute during the Austin Peay game. I'm sure you all remember it. Bledsoe to Wall to Patterson for the "Bunch" alley-oop.
-Just read that actress Brittany Murphy died at the age of 32 of "natural causes". Really? What is natural about finding a 32 year old lady dead in her bathroom? Sorry to hear about this. She was Slim Shady's woman in 8 Mile in case you don't know who she is. She was also Ashton Kutcher's woman for a while after they were in some movie together.
-It's being widely speculated that the Music City Bowl game will be the last as a Wildcat for RB Derrick Locke. I can't picture him being a high draft pick. In fact I can easily picture him going undrafted. Admittedly, I don't research who the top prospects are for the NFL draft though. However, Locke does have amazing speed. I think he will find a spot in the league as a return man. I just think he is a little small and injury prone to be a RB at that level. I really hope he proves me wrong. He has apparently been told that his stock won't go up by staying for his senior season, and he only risks injury by staying. For him, that's a big risk. He can always come back to get his degree. UK makes that available to all former athletes. Locke apparently has a young daughter and wants to provide for his family. I can't fault him for that. If he's gone, I wish him well. He's been fun to watch.
-I've never thought much about what Jehovah's Witnesses believe in. Tonight I learned that one of their beliefs is that only 144,000 people will go to Heaven. Why 144,000 you ask? Well I didn't learn that much. I just wonder one thing. If only 144,000 are making it to Heaven, why do they go door to door and recruit so hard? Do they realize that they are just bringing in more competition for one of the prized spots? I also know that they won't take a blood transfusion. When I was working in Bowling Green I can remember a lady refusing a transfusion in the ER and leaving against medical advice. Her blood count was so low that with her active GI bleed she more than likely died within a few days. I never heard either way. She was in her 50's. That's all the religion talk for The Revolting Blog today. One more thing that just hit me. I bet they don't take the blood transfusions in an attempt to beat all the new recruits to Heaven.
-The last thing I'm gonna mention is a very entertaining, yet sad story from Tennessee. Apparently a 4 year old boy in Chattanooga got drunk and robbed a bunch of his neighbors. Sorry I don't have a link but I read this story a few days ago. He was found around 2 in the morning wearing a dress he had unwrapped and stolen out from under a neighbor's Christmas tree. He was also drinking beer. 4 years old. Unbelievable. Even Kentucky's 4 year olds aren't beer drinking robbers. Tennessee should have tried to keep this story on the down low. The sad part of the story, well I guess it's all sad, but the kid's mother said he had been trying to get in trouble in an attempt to get thrown in jail to spend time with his dad. Have you ever heard a story so funny, yet so sad at the same time?
Have a nice day!!!!!!!
*Rick Pitino did not actually get busy in a Burger King bathroom. He has many qualities that are similar to the legendary Humpty Hump, but to my knowledge he has only gotten busy in the Porcini's dining room. Of course I'm not blessed with much knowledge on where Ricky P gets busy, so I can't definitively say that the Burger King stuff is untrue. If it is untrue, then the fine people over at Burger King have my sincerest apologies.


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