My Bucket List

I am sure that by now most of you have seen the movie The Bucket List or at least have a good understanding of the concept of the movie. A brief rundown of the idea of the movie is to have a list of things you would like to accomplish before you "kick the bucket". Most of the items on the list are kind of extreme adventures that one would not have the opportunity to encounter on a daily basis for example sky diving, bungee jumping, or driving a stock car. Some of you faithful readers and bloggers may too have your very own Bucket List.

I know this will come as a complete surprise to most of you but I too have my very own Bucket List but the concept is very different from most other people's list. Here's the part where you ladies may want to type in the address bar or click on this neat link I just left for you as you may not want to read further into my twisted thoughts. If you are still reading this post then you can't say that I didn't warn you and I will now carry on with my warped view of the world. Oh by the way all complaints about the contents of the blog may be expressed by also visiting .

Anyway now that all the legal aspects have been addressed I'll get back to my list. As I was saying the concept for my Bucket List is a little different in the fact that it doesn't contain extreme adventures or vacations to far away places or even purchases of expensive adult toys. See I am a very simple man that takes great joy in the simple pleasures that life brings. So I have derived a Bucket List that contains only names. Now I am not going to name all the folks that are on my list for everyone to see cause it is a very private matter and I don't want to hurt someones feelings that I may have forgotten about (R.I.P. Anne Pruitt - for molding my creative writing skills at a very early age). A few of the names that are on my list include local celebrity personalities such as Kevin (don't call me Jason) Whitmer and his trusty sidekick Phillip Conway, Hoghead and all fence riding college sports fans.

Some of you are probably getting a little confused by now and are wondering why in the heck would Ho have these people on his Bucket List and what do these people have in common. Well like I said my list is very different in the fact that it contains the names of those individuals that I would like to kick in the scrotum before I kick the bucket! Now the list is much, much longer than that and contains many names of current and former co-workers but like I said this a private matter but I just wanted to make everyone aware that you too can have your very own Bucket List with minimal effort.

Almost forgot Q.O.D time: If you currently are not on my Bucket List "Try Again!" B. Gardner 1989


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