Birthday Week

As you can see, we had 2 birthdays this week in our family.  Kris is always quick to remind Beth she is 1 day older.  They both turned 36 this year (hope they don't mind me revealing their age).  :)

Sunday for lunch we headed over to Meme and Papaw's.  As always, she cooked too much food. 

I snapped a picture of Jacob on our way over there.  It was not that cold out, but he insisted wearing his gloves that are too small. 
Here is the birthday girl with her cake and sweet Kate.  Love her smile. 
Meme, Beth and Kate
Meme also made a cake for both Beth & Kris.  Here they are blowing out the candles.  As you can see they had 2 curious onlookers.  :)
Kris' birthday was Monday.  Here he is making a wish. 
Hope it comes true!

Next up is Jacob's birthday.  He'll be 3 in one month.  Tear :(


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